Egyptian Symols

Symbol of Adore

It's known that the ancient Egyptians took their language  from their environment
They took some symbols to record all they need with their own language.

 Adoration (dua) - "dore"
Akh Akh (akh) - "Effectiveness"
Symbol of Ankh Ankh (ankh) - "Life"
Symbol of Ba Ba (ba) - "Soul"
Symbol of Baboon Baboon (ian) - "Sun", "Moon"
Basket (nebet) - "All", "Lord"
Symbol of Bow Bow (iunet, pedjet) - "Enemies"
Symbol of Brazier Brazier (khet) - "Fire"
Symbol of Cartouche Cartouche (shenu) - "Sun", "Pharaoh"
Symbol of Cobra Cobra (iaret)
Djed symbol Djed Column (djed) - "Stability"
Symbol of Ear Ear (mesedjer) - "Hearing"
Symbol of Eye of Horus Eye of Horus (udjat, wadjet) - "Sun"
Symbol of Feather Feather (shut) - "Truth"
Symbol of Gold Gold (nebu) - "Tomb"
Symbol of Headrest Headrest (weres) - "Sun"
Symbol of Heart Heart (ieb) - "Soul"
Symbol of Ka Ka (ka) - "Conscience"
Symbol of Knife Knife (des)
Symbol of Knot of Isis Knot of Isis (tiet) - "Life"
Symbol of Lapwing Lapwing (rekhyt) - "Peoples"
Symbol of Lotus Lotus (seshen) - "Lower Egypt"
Symbol of Menet Necklace Menet Necklace (menet)
Symbol of Mouintain Mountain (djew)
Symbol of Nefer Nefer (nefer) - "Beauty"
Symbol of Palace Wall Palace Wall (serekh) - "King's Home"
Symbol of Papyrus Papyrus (mehyt) - "Upper Egypt"
Symbol of Phoenix Phoenix (benu) - "Sun"
Symbol of Pool Pool (she) - "Water"
Symbol of Praise Praise (henu) - "Praise"
Symbol of Sa Sa (sa) - "Protection"
Symbol of Sail Sail (hetau) - "Breath"
Symbol of Scarab Scarab beetle (kheper) - "Sun"
Symbol of Sekhem Scepter Sekhem Scepter (sekhem) - "Power", "Might"
Symbol of Senet Board Game Senet Board Game (senet)
Symbol of Shen Ring Shen Ring (shenu) - "Eternity"
Sistrum symbol Sistrum (sesheshet) - "Placation"
Symbol of Sky Sky (pet) - "Sky"
Symbol of Star Star (seba) - "Afterlife"
Symbol of Swallow Swallow (menet) - "Souls"
Symbol of Tree Tree (nehet) - "Life", "Rising Sun"
Symbol of Vulture Vulture (neret)
Symbol of Was Scepter Was Scepter (was) - "Power"
Symbol of West West (imenet) - "Afterlife"


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